2008년 4월 27일 일요일

8th week's summary

**Human-computer interaction**
We learned about "AI is the science of making machines do things that would require intelligence if done by humans." last week.

Then, let's know about outline of this week.
First, key point that has implications for the aesthetic, ethics and evaluation of human-computer interaction. Second, history of HCI from a tools perspective.
Third, the answer of Ethnomethodology. etc.

What is technology? Just computer? NO. It is a kimchi(special 젓갈), chair(made creative),
pot → needs still and technic!

The key point of today is that "People often interact with media technologies as though the technologies were people."
*related points : ethics → very important culture and thinking
*related points : aesthetics & teleology → related ‘critique of judgement’
*related points : design → If we view objects, technologies and natural phenomenon as if they do, in fact, have goals and intentions, then we will design like an artificial intelligence researcher.

And, HCI is a just tool-building perspective.
*history of HCI as tools : systems → computer, monitor, mouse(all kinds of HCI)
*PPT_14 : human engeneering → example : made human engeneering
*funding : military, university, government, companies →
webcam(easy input machine), convenience : trace changes variety

Where does HCI meet AI? Should the computer act like a person? etc. questions....
also, what problem does Weizenbaum's ELIZA system address or solve?
- the artificial intelligence answer: it does (or does not) behave like a human and is therefore successful (or not successful)
- the ethnomethodology answer: it is taken to be a like a person in a conversation and thus simply works like most other technologies in a social situation

What is the ethnomthodology? "Ethnomethodology doffers from other sociological perspectives in one very important respect" : Ethnomethodologists assume that social order is illusory.

This week's lecture is also interesting.

2008년 4월 12일 토요일

"6th week's Summary and Comment"

Artificial intelligence
Let's see this week's outline. 'Who was Turing?', 'what is he famous for?', 'a short history of aritficial intelligence in software', 'story generation as a planning problem', 'story understanding as a plan recognition problem'. 'question answering as a problem'
Then, let's summary the answer about questions. First, 'who was Alan Turing?' He was founder of computer science, artificial intelligence, mathematician, philosopher, codebreaker, and a gay man. Detailed Information about Alan Turing is in lecture material.

Next, let's see about Turing's "imitation game".
The object of the game for the interrogator is to determine which of the other two is the man and which is the woman. We now ask the question, 'what will happen when a machine takes the part of in this game?' These questions replace our original, 'Can machines think?'

Walker/Sack/Walker "online caroline" They always important online caroline in ordinary life.

Now, let's definition about artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence is the science of making machines do things that would require intelligence as if done by humans.
Also, research areas of artificial intelligence are extensive. For example, knowledgr representation, programming languages, natural language understanding, speech understanding, vision, robotics, machine learning etc.

Besides, there is a planning as a technical problem. GPS is what is known ia AI as a 'planner'. and To work, GPS required that a full and accurate model of the 'state of the world'.
Also, there is a problem with ai planning. "frame problem our physical symbol system broke the law of representation in a situation".

This week learned more and more important things about artificial intelligence. I learned much information every lecture.

2008년 4월 5일 토요일

"5th week's Summary and Comment"

Before starting summary, let's know also five key points learning in lecture so far.

1. When technologies connect or separate people, they become media.
2. Technologies embody social, political, cultural, economic and philosophical ideas
and relationships.
3. When a medium is new, it is often used to simulate old media.
4. New media do not replace old media, they displace them.
5. People make media and then media make people.

Social Network
Today's key points are two.
One key point is that "New media technologies usually reinforce existing social networks or even work to isolate people." Its mean is what we can't see each other but messenger or nate on etc. are inducing meeting in reality each other. BUT, if the technology is reinforced, we can be isolate. That is, this is look like number 5 among up five key points.
Another key point is that "(BUT) When new media technologies facilitate new social networks, they simultaneously challenge existing social, political and economic relationships." Social networks are connecting things with relationship each other. It can be personal relationships or learning relationships.
①⁍ Social networks as science : field
'social network analysis is an interdisciplinary social science, but has been of especial concern to sociologists;' → In general study.
⁍ Social network as science : definition
'[Relationships] provide individuals with opportunities and, at the same time, potential constraints on their behavior.' → Some sentence are seeing definition.
⁍ Social network as science : history
'Let's a genealogical chart. There, centrality can not find because history is what accumulated.' → weak relationship > strong relationship (ex. same educated people.)
⁍ Social networks as science : equivalence
'A and B are "structurally equivalent" because they connect to the same people and thus have equivalent positions in the network.' → Let's PPT picture.
⁍ Social networks as science : centrality
'centrality and the external' → society leader is not need but society centrality is need!!
⁍ Social networks as science : bridges
'with connecting each other'
⁍ Social networks as science : social capital
'if you connect separate networks you have bridging capital, if you are central
to a network you have bonding capital'
⁍ Social networks as science : bowling alone
'sociologist robert putnam claims that united states citizens no longer know or trust their neighbors and thus communities have lost their social capital'→ Let's recall today's key points.
② Social networks as technolohy
email, newsgroups, and weblogs etc.
-A webpage is considered popular if many other webpages link to it.
③ Social networks as popular culture
'their identity and connect in personally meaningful ways' → very important
④ Social networks as art
'It express relationship each other as art.'
This week lecture is a little simple so I undestood not difficulty.
I learned many information about "Social Network".
Next time, let's learn artificial intelligence.