2008년 6월 8일 일요일

13th week's summary

We learned about 'open source' lecture. Then, let's see outline of today. *what is "resistance" in digital media? *models of politics - open-source software and virus.

First, what is "resistance"? It is tactics and means to oppose the strategies of "The Prince". and countering the techniques and "technologies of power" that impose isolation, distraction and domination through surveillance, entertainment and force. For example, virus, trojan horse, worm, bomb etc.

Second, what is a software virus? A cracker program that searches out other programs and 'infects' them by embedding a copy of itself in them. The virus may do nothing but propagate itself and then allow the program to run normally.

Then, what is a software "trojan horse"? A program designed to break security or damage a system that is disguised as something else benign. And what is "worm"? A pro gram that propagates itself over a network, reproducing itself as it goes. And what is a software "bomb"? to perform some destructive or security-compromising activity whenever specified conditions are met. And what is a "back door"? A hole in the security of a system deliberately left in place by designers or maintainers.

Then, do artifacts have politics? more democratic by being made more "free" or "open"? or the reconstruction of foundational tools or infrastructural "architectural" elements. Lecture of today also finished well. This lectures have got many help. It is very interesting.

2008년 5월 25일 일요일

12th weeks's Summary

We learned about Donna Haraway's "cyborg manifesto" last week. Today, we learned history and surveillance, review of the capture model, definition of privacy and lessig on monitoring and search this week. Surveillance is close watch kept over someone or something. "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." And we learned, too. Surveillance model versus capture model → surveillance model is built upon visual metaphors and derives from historical experiences of secret police surveillance.
Then, let's know about privacy's definition. 1. the quality or state of beong apart from company or observation 2. seclusion : freedom from unauthorized intrusion 3. archaic : a place of seclusion
See Lawrence Lessig on the merits of inefficiency! - an inefficiency that makes it harder for these technologies to be misused. It is hard to argue that less is more. data mining systems are designed to facilitate the identification and classification of individuals into distinct groups or segments. profits. unacceptable social consequences.

Lessig on architecture of privacy : Life where less is monitored is a life more private and life where less can legally perhaps be searched is also a life more private. Also, let's see about cookies. Cookies are information that a web server stores on the machine running a web browser. Also, let's see about encyption. Encyption is the process of transforming information using an algorithm to make it unreadable to anyone except those possessing special knowledge, usually referred to as a key.

Goals of data mining - data mining efforts are directed toward the generation of reles for the classification of objects, discriminating or distinguishing between two related, but meaningfully distinct classes. Also, let's see about types of data mining. 1. descriptive : compute a relatively concise, description of a large data set. 2. predictive : predict unknown values for a variable for one or more known variables.

Technologies and architectures of privacy-technologies and architectures do not independently determine what is public and what is private technological determinism. Then, we will learn about authorship&ownership next week.
This week's lecture learned that we can adjacent life. It is interesting.

2008년 5월 18일 일요일

11th week's summary

We learned about humans this week's lecture. The lecture is philosophical and profound so, little hard. Then now, let's see and summarize about human subject.

First, 'media as extensions' is like our nervous system. That's why down information. And ratio of the senses->human's five senses : seeing, touching hearing, smelling, tasting. The, when it connects media, we can be lose a part of power because we are making new media. Let's see about another information. Radio changed the form of the news story as much as it altered the film image in the talkies.

Most people feels hard to write by hands. Computer can be prosthesis. Many people can't write something without computer. Because of media, we can be lose senses etc. Human cannot live without media technology. Today, media is more and more very important. Media technology cannot separate to human.

Let's see about 'medium as prosthesis'. -> we are radically altered by a medium.
continually, media technology can see that emphasized. Also, media studies is the theory and practice of exploring how people and things are connected, reflected, extented, reconfigured, and separated by technologies.

Also, let's know about cyborg. Cyborg is made the most logical. cyborg also must be like human. Most media technology imitate for alike human.

We cannot live without media. up informations see more closely. This week's lecture is more hard than other lectures. PPT is not upload, so, more hard. but, I tried hard. The lecture is hard bur, interesting.

2008년 5월 12일 월요일

10th week's summary

We learned 'computer games' last week. First of all, let's see about lecture's outline. 'computer : how do they work?' etc. what's in a game engine?-> graphics, physics... Then now, let's know about game "mod". Mod is modification(:fps, rpgs, real-time strategy games) Also, there are movies with game engines. For example, tum raider, computer space and utilities for creating films from a game engine....But there is a influence of game. It is video game : cheap-not expensive, rent.. then, let's see an example of programming. It is pong in flash, physics, software collections etc. human player : too hard. Also, games research and development are entertainment and making art.

Then, what makes a good game? play...story...realism..? Now, let's know about Ludology versus Narratology. "One of the reasons I think Myst was successful was that people are used to being entertained with stories. There're lots of ways to entertain, but the two primary ones are story-which is television and movies and books and all that-and the other is game play -blackjack and football and Parcheesi. There're other ones, but those are two we are very familiar with. I think the mass market audience is more familiar with story. The first campfire the guys on the hunt come back with a story to tell--that is something anybody can partake in."

Two issues to consider from film theory...One thing among two issues is identification. -how do people relate to the characters and action on the screen? etc. Two thing is space. -what is the space of cinema/games? what can the audience/player see or do there? -what can the designer or filmmaker do to increase, decrease, or change the space? let's see about more than identification. "When you play a video game you enter into the world of the programmers who made it. You have to do more than identify with a character on the screen."

Also, video games as "metaphysical machines", "perfect mirrors", "drugs", "contests" etc. Identification is known to psycho-analysis as the earliest expression of an emotional tie with another person.
Next time, we are going to learn about medium as prosthesis. This week's lecture is simple and interesting. It is not difficult. It also learned interesting story.

2008년 5월 5일 월요일

9th week's Summary

We learned about 'computer-aid' last week.
First, let's see about ethnomethodology. Ethnomethodologists assume that social order is illusory. Ethnomethodology: the study of how people make sense of the social world. And let's recall Johnstone's story generation game. 1. the story does not exist before the interaction; 2. if a story emerges, it emerges from the question and answer interaction.
Then, let's see about outline for last week now. 1. intro Modern Times by Charlie Chaplin 2. CSCW: computer-supported cooperative work 3. Winograd and Flores etc. and Keypoint is "Every digital media technology has an architecture using diagrams to compare physical architectures with digital architectures."

Then, what is the CSCW? Computer-supported cooperative work (CSCW) is a field of research and design. CSCW is considered to a part of a larger field known as CHI or HCI: human-computer interaction (HCI) design, evaluation, implementation, and study of interactive computing systems for human use. Also, Winograd and Flores present a methodology for CSCW analysis and design. This methodology is commonly known as the "language/action" perspective. They made "model of conversation." Conversations are sequences of actions because by saying things people are understood to be doing things.
This classroom's language/action perspective? 1. what is our network of recurrent (repeating) conversations? --->organization 2. what are our patterns of triggering and breakdown? --> linking t to t

Then, let's recall keypoint about last lectures.
Technologies embody social, political, cultural, economic and philosophical ideas and relationships. ..but why change them? the ethnomethodologist might be right, but why would government and industry pay for work like that described by Winograd and Flores.
Key point of last week's lecture is "Every digital media technology has an architecture that can be used to transform work, play and governance." and what is the architecture of cyberspace? consider the hardware and software that links together (or separates) groups of people.

Let's see about Agre's "surveillance model".
1.territorial metaphors as in the "invasion of private space"
2.centralized orchestration by means of a bureaucracy with a unified set of files
3.identification with the state and malevolent aims of a specifically political nature
*history of surveillance: the panopticon -> Panopticon developed by Jeremy Bentham in the 18th century for prison/similar designs adapted for hospitals and factories

Agre's "capture model" ->2. linguistic metaphors for human activities as simulating them to the constructs of computer system's representation languages
2. the assumption that the linguistic "parsing" of human activities involves active intervention and reorganization
*five stage cycle of grammars of action: 1. analysis 2.articulation 3.imposition
4. instrumentation 5. elaboration

Last week's lecture is very exciting and interesting. because Many player, photo etc. Next, expect.

2008년 4월 27일 일요일

8th week's summary

**Human-computer interaction**
We learned about "AI is the science of making machines do things that would require intelligence if done by humans." last week.

Then, let's know about outline of this week.
First, key point that has implications for the aesthetic, ethics and evaluation of human-computer interaction. Second, history of HCI from a tools perspective.
Third, the answer of Ethnomethodology. etc.

What is technology? Just computer? NO. It is a kimchi(special 젓갈), chair(made creative),
pot → needs still and technic!

The key point of today is that "People often interact with media technologies as though the technologies were people."
*related points : ethics → very important culture and thinking
*related points : aesthetics & teleology → related ‘critique of judgement’
*related points : design → If we view objects, technologies and natural phenomenon as if they do, in fact, have goals and intentions, then we will design like an artificial intelligence researcher.

And, HCI is a just tool-building perspective.
*history of HCI as tools : systems → computer, monitor, mouse(all kinds of HCI)
*PPT_14 : human engeneering → example : made human engeneering
*funding : military, university, government, companies →
webcam(easy input machine), convenience : trace changes variety

Where does HCI meet AI? Should the computer act like a person? etc. questions....
also, what problem does Weizenbaum's ELIZA system address or solve?
- the artificial intelligence answer: it does (or does not) behave like a human and is therefore successful (or not successful)
- the ethnomethodology answer: it is taken to be a like a person in a conversation and thus simply works like most other technologies in a social situation

What is the ethnomthodology? "Ethnomethodology doffers from other sociological perspectives in one very important respect" : Ethnomethodologists assume that social order is illusory.

This week's lecture is also interesting.

2008년 4월 12일 토요일

"6th week's Summary and Comment"

Artificial intelligence
Let's see this week's outline. 'Who was Turing?', 'what is he famous for?', 'a short history of aritficial intelligence in software', 'story generation as a planning problem', 'story understanding as a plan recognition problem'. 'question answering as a problem'
Then, let's summary the answer about questions. First, 'who was Alan Turing?' He was founder of computer science, artificial intelligence, mathematician, philosopher, codebreaker, and a gay man. Detailed Information about Alan Turing is in lecture material.

Next, let's see about Turing's "imitation game".
The object of the game for the interrogator is to determine which of the other two is the man and which is the woman. We now ask the question, 'what will happen when a machine takes the part of in this game?' These questions replace our original, 'Can machines think?'

Walker/Sack/Walker "online caroline" They always important online caroline in ordinary life.

Now, let's definition about artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence is the science of making machines do things that would require intelligence as if done by humans.
Also, research areas of artificial intelligence are extensive. For example, knowledgr representation, programming languages, natural language understanding, speech understanding, vision, robotics, machine learning etc.

Besides, there is a planning as a technical problem. GPS is what is known ia AI as a 'planner'. and To work, GPS required that a full and accurate model of the 'state of the world'.
Also, there is a problem with ai planning. "frame problem our physical symbol system broke the law of representation in a situation".

This week learned more and more important things about artificial intelligence. I learned much information every lecture.

2008년 4월 5일 토요일

"5th week's Summary and Comment"

Before starting summary, let's know also five key points learning in lecture so far.

1. When technologies connect or separate people, they become media.
2. Technologies embody social, political, cultural, economic and philosophical ideas
and relationships.
3. When a medium is new, it is often used to simulate old media.
4. New media do not replace old media, they displace them.
5. People make media and then media make people.

Social Network
Today's key points are two.
One key point is that "New media technologies usually reinforce existing social networks or even work to isolate people." Its mean is what we can't see each other but messenger or nate on etc. are inducing meeting in reality each other. BUT, if the technology is reinforced, we can be isolate. That is, this is look like number 5 among up five key points.
Another key point is that "(BUT) When new media technologies facilitate new social networks, they simultaneously challenge existing social, political and economic relationships." Social networks are connecting things with relationship each other. It can be personal relationships or learning relationships.
①⁍ Social networks as science : field
'social network analysis is an interdisciplinary social science, but has been of especial concern to sociologists;' → In general study.
⁍ Social network as science : definition
'[Relationships] provide individuals with opportunities and, at the same time, potential constraints on their behavior.' → Some sentence are seeing definition.
⁍ Social network as science : history
'Let's a genealogical chart. There, centrality can not find because history is what accumulated.' → weak relationship > strong relationship (ex. same educated people.)
⁍ Social networks as science : equivalence
'A and B are "structurally equivalent" because they connect to the same people and thus have equivalent positions in the network.' → Let's PPT picture.
⁍ Social networks as science : centrality
'centrality and the external' → society leader is not need but society centrality is need!!
⁍ Social networks as science : bridges
'with connecting each other'
⁍ Social networks as science : social capital
'if you connect separate networks you have bridging capital, if you are central
to a network you have bonding capital'
⁍ Social networks as science : bowling alone
'sociologist robert putnam claims that united states citizens no longer know or trust their neighbors and thus communities have lost their social capital'→ Let's recall today's key points.
② Social networks as technolohy
email, newsgroups, and weblogs etc.
-A webpage is considered popular if many other webpages link to it.
③ Social networks as popular culture
'their identity and connect in personally meaningful ways' → very important
④ Social networks as art
'It express relationship each other as art.'
This week lecture is a little simple so I undestood not difficulty.
I learned many information about "Social Network".
Next time, let's learn artificial intelligence.

2008년 3월 29일 토요일

"4th week's Summary and Comment"

First, let's look around keypoint about learning until now.

1. When technologies connect or separate people, they become media.
2. Technologies embody social, political, cultural,

economic and philosophical ideas and relationships.
3. When a medium is new, it is often used to simulate old media.
4. New media do not replace old media, they displace them.

explain about media. And this week' keypoint is "People make media and then media make people." It means that some people make media and people is affected by media. For example, massenger has already known by people.

Next, let's see about 'Tim burners-lee'. He is called Internet's father. "A www was developed to be a pool of human knowledge, which would allow collaborators in remote sites to share their ideas and all aspects of a common project." He just made www. He is funded by various deparment.

Also, "what is the stated genealogy of the technology?" The answer is bush's memex nelson's writings on hypertext; berners-lee's early implementations.

Let's back soon again about "what is the www?". A first answer is a collaboratively authored hypertext. Another answer is a standard. The standard is similar to rule. The organization and rule needs for communication because it can not communicate without language.
ISO(International standards organization), IETF(Internet engineering task force), W3C(World-wide web consortium) and RFC(Request for comments) is all accepted with requiring a kinds of comment.

and we saw also Nam June Paik's media art and video art by professor. He's idea is very great! He thought creatively.

and URI(universal resource identifier) is look like web address and it is a sort locator, not location. Also HTML(hypertext markup language) is a sort language form. Html is derived from sgml (standard generalize markup language).

and HTTP(hypertext transfer protocol)- Http is an internet protocol designed for transferring information for hypertext documents.

Then, let's find last answer about "what is the www?" The answer is that "the www is a vast, heterogeneous network of people and machines. The www is more and more increasing, very much variety and connecting between people and people such as blog.

Until now, we have learned about five keypoints. Its is all very important sentences or proper sentences. Expecially this week's keypoint is that people influence media each other. Every week, we have learned about "media". The reason why emphaize media is very important word today. I expect next lecture about another connecting media.

2008년 3월 22일 토요일

"3rd week"- Summary and Comment

To begin with, start after knowing the answer about this question "What does 'digtal Media' mean?" It means human's expression, communication, society interaction, science-technology etc ,that is, electronic medium working on the code.

Then now, let's know about key points this week. First, "When a medium is new, it is often used to simulate old media." This information sounds as natural. Right! Whatever, when making new things, old things are changing and throwing away. Second, "New media do not replace old media, they displace them." Media is not just a substitute. It can't coexistence. So, old media vanish.

This week's focus is "Hypertext" by Ted nelson.
"Hypertext": One way that digital media has been understood is as new forms of writing, reading and thinking. Let's give examples learning to professor. It is 'Tristan Tzara's recipe for composing a poem'. Write anything not thinking on the paper and they all gather. Then, they are a poem.

Now, I should summary the most important a person, "Engelbart".
He famous especially computer mouse's inventor. Also, he is a pioneer field of human and computer's interaction such as interface, hypertext, network computer etc. Do you remember that we learned about 'Vannevar Bush' last week? Engelbart gets inspiration from 'As we may think' written by 'Vannevar Bush' So, he tride various experience.

Look around a few about "Augmenting human intellect" written by Engelbart. He stated two problems in this script. "Better & Faster comprehension + Better & Faster & more solutions to problems".

Also, about "What narrative strategies are employed in the article?" he focused 'concentration', 'negotiation', 'personality' etc. And know about "othering-human and machine dichotmy" He thought about method connecting the two things. So, he thought "H-LAM/T system".
* H-LAM/T system: Human using Language, Artifacts, Methodology, in which he is Trained

I amazed every time whenever learning lecture because a great man for changing the future is many. 'Vannevar Bush' learned last week or 'Engelbart' learner this week all great! In the past, amazing those thinking and trying. This week's topic is not also easy but I got much information. I expect next week's lecture.

2008년 3월 15일 토요일

"2nd week" - Lecture summary and Comment

First of all, the key about digtal media technologies is that when they connect or separate people, they become media. For example, imagine car learning lecture. Car' mean is connect each mechanisms or separate in and out. It is medium.
Also, the technologies embody social, political, cultural, economic and philosophical ideas and relationships. After all, they all mean a medium.

Next, Let's know about Vannevar Bush. The most important contribution among he achieved things is MEMEX. It saves various formations and the formations extend so, record them. Because record is not only very important in science but also minimalize the problem that human made. MEMEX treats also fast speed and flexible for datum.

In addition to, Bush emphasized thinking and speeding method. For example, bellboy and telephone learning lecture. He thought technology's improvement.
In conclusion, Bush thought "The reason why MEMEX made is that human made very intricate culture so, they needed very perfectly systematization their records." MEMEX is similar to today's "WWW".

I little read “As we may think” and first little difficulty. But, after learning lecture, about media I got very much the formations.
In the past, Bush already thought about media so, I so very impressive. Also, digtal media technologies is doing very good function as a medium.

I think "All technology using in IT industry is today very utility and elegance."
2nd week's lecture is very significance.

2008년 3월 11일 화요일


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